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Effectively Teach Spelling Rules for C, K, and Digraph CK
Do your students find spelling rules for C, K, and CK difficult to grasp? Teaching these variations of the sound /k/ can be tricky but mastering them is essential for young writers. You might think that memorizing endless lists of words is the only way to teach such a complicated
10 Easy Morning Meeting Games to Start Your School Day Right
It’s time to start the day, and what better way to do that than with some fun and engaging morning meeting games? With these 10 creative ideas, you can focus students’ attention, review important skills, build class unity, and create an exciting learning environment—all before diving into your daily lesson
Plan Your Best First Week of School Ever
Hey there, elementary educators! If you’re anything like me, you’re getting pumped up for an amazing school year ahead. And what better way to kick things off than with the best first week ever? Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie teacher, a solid plan will help you start
6 Helpful Things for Teachers to Prep Before School Begins
As teachers, the start of a new school year can bring feelings of excitement and anticipation – but also anxiety. The first few days tend to be hectic as everyone gets back in the swing of things; however, there are several steps you can take beforehand to make the transition
How to Effectively Teach the 6 Different Syllable Types
Teaching syllables can be a tricky task. It requires planning, creativity, and an understanding of the various syllable types to engage students in learning what can often be considered a tedious topic. Whether your student is just starting out or further along in their reading journey, it’s important for all
How to Play Race to $1 (money game with free gameboards!)
Are you looking for a way to practice counting coins and equivalent coins? Race to $1 is a fun-filled game that reinforces coins and their values. It’s easy to set up and play! I love it because not only are students learning about coins, but they are also practicing addition!
Transform Daily Writing Prompts: 4 Tips Students Will Love
Are you finding that your students’ daily prompt writing is becoming tedious and monotonous? As teachers, our goal is to keep learning exciting for our students so they can fully achieve their academic potential. Fortunately, by taking a few simple steps to switch things up in the classroom, we can
5 Engaging St. Patrick’s Day Activities Your Students Will Love
Ah, St. Patrick’s Day – a holiday where you can let loose and indulge in a bit of fun. To get your students (and yourself) into the festive spirit, why not whip up some cheeky classroom activities? These five ideas are sure to bring about plenty of excitement and keep
4 Steps to Successfully Teach Compare and Contrast
Are you looking for a fun, engaging way to teach your students to compare and contrast? Teaching how to compare and contrast in 2nd grade can be one of the most challenging, yet powerful topics in any classroom. Understanding how items are similar and different is essential for student success.
Long O words: How to Differentiate Between OA, OE, and OW
Do your students struggle with distinguishing “long O” words like OA, OE, and OW? It can be tricky to differentiate these sounds—who knew there were so many ways for the letter ‘O’ to be spelled?! But don’t worry teachers: you’ve got this. With a few helpful tricks and tips on